Recycling Soap to Protect the Environment

Hotels dispose large amounts of barely used soap bars every day, we collect and recycle this waste soap

Our Recycling Process

Instead of disposing the barely used soap bars left by guests, our partner hotels keep those aside for us to collect every two weeks.

2. Cleansing

The outer layer of the soap bars collected is manually scraped off, the bars are then cut into smaller pieces that are thoroughly washed.

3. Disinfection

The soap pieces are molten in boiling water with ethanol added for disinfection.

4. Blending

The disinfected soap is then blended together into a thick paste.

4. Storage

The concentrated blend is then diluted with water and then stirred and stored, ready to be distributed.

5. Packaging

We packaged the liquid soap in used water bottles or allowed people to buy it directly in their own containers.

Partner Hotels

FabHotel 24 Baner

FabHotel Skylight

Hotel Eminent, Baner

Baner Executive Stays

Have any waste soap?